Apr 8, 2010

The Chongs like a bargain.

So, here's the other reason we took out trip out to Vegreville.  Suj was eyeing a pedestal tables on Kijiji.  We took a look at one in Sherwood Park.  They were asking for $200 for the tables and chairs.  I think we were going to offer $150 but they didn't bite.  It was gone after the weekend. 

She found another one but this one was only...$10.  Yes, that's right.  It didn't have chairs but come on it's only $10.  It was advertised with some burns on the table top.  I kept on emailing the seller to make sure that we were not going to make a wasted trip.  So, that's when we decided to take an hour trip outside of Edmonton. 

Here's what we found.

This is after stripping the varnish, scraping, and sanding.  It was a dark stain and the burns disappeared after the sanding. 

Here's the table after being primed. 

A little spray paint.

Some hardware... and voila!

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