Jul 19, 2007

New Office

Here's a look at the new office of Hallelujah Christian Fellowship. I set up in the basement of Suj's parent's house. It's quite nice actually. The days have been pretty muggy so it is the perfect place to be on a hot summer day. The wireless signal even reaches down to the basement. So, I think I am set. Once I get settled here and into a regular routine I think I need to get out and start meeting some people. That means hanging out at the local coffee shops and seeing if I can strike up a conversation.

Can you see me doing that? I know that most of you know that I am pretty laid back (maybe too much so) but I am beginning to see that more as a fault than an asset. Now that I am church planting so much falls on my shoulders in terms of planning and implementing, sharing and reinforcing the vision and direction of a new church. It is quite the experience.

Here's the picture of the other side of my "office". I'm so thankful that my in-laws have the space for all our stuff!
That's life as a church planter!

Jul 18, 2007


I think Anson (first hider) likes the concept of seeking more than hiding. Listen carefully to how the rest of the hiders give up the hiding spots of the others. hahah kids!

It's weird being close to family. The last time was back in Philly in 2000 and that was with my parents. This is our first time with a sibling and their children. It's a lot of fun and it is really helping with our transition to Canada.