I've posted things on my xanga (username: xinjinc) that came out of gizmodo.com. I like that website b/c it gives a lot of great info on upcoming technologies. They give some funny editorials too (usually of the geeky variety). But, I was checking it out today and they gave this warning that originally came out from the BBC. You can check it out for yourself (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/6923915.stm).
So, apparently the toner in laser printers can be emitted from the laser printer into the air where it can be breathed in. It makes sense, right? The more the printer is used the more likely particles can be produced in the air. It is more harmful if the printers are being used frequently and in an area where the air is poorly circulated.
Now, take a look at my previous blog where I was showing you my new office! I'm in the basement where there is very little air circulation. I may not be printing that often but I now I am not going to stand around when I'm printing out the church bulletins (right, now I'm printing out about 45 bulletins with 4 full pages). Time for a good hepa filter.
Su Jin didn't want me to stand by the microwave when it was running. Wait till I share this news with her!