Hello, friends and family!
Not much to report. We saw the ob today and things are about the same. The baby is doing great in all areas but is still small. I'll be going into the ob's more often now as I get closer to my due date. This is just to keep an eye on her. If the baby continues on the track she's on now, she will probably be delivered early...mid-March. Good news is that that means three less weeks of bedrest for me :).
I'm hanging in there. Starting to get a little stir crazy but Teddy's been good about taking me on mini-outings to the house, target, and out to dinner to keep me appeased. It looks like we'll be moving back into the house at the end of the month. The contractor is cutting it close - keep your fingers crossed for us.
That's all for now. Hope you are all well.
Love, YJ/Sloan