OK, I zoomed in as far as I could. Can you see him now?
Still not so clear, huh? How bout if I zoom in on the jumbo screen? Is that a little bit better?
I guess you can figure out by now that we went to the Josh Groban concert. It was last week. Someone from our church had gotten seats from a friend so he invited us to go. We had heard some of his songs and thought it would be fun to go. It was so much fun. Of course he was romantic and has a great voice but he was funny too. He did a little improv of Bon Jovi and Elton John.
So, as you can hear the crowd going crazy when he pops up practically right in our laps. He couldn't have been more than a meter away (hehe, I'm trying to use the metric system). We were in a state of shock for a moment until we realized that it was really him.
So, that is my first experience at a music concert. I don't include orchestra or musicals. I just don't consider them in the same category. I guess I consider myself more of the sit back and enjoy the musical peformances. This fit right down my alley.