But, this blog is about being a father of daughters. The special relationship that a father has with his daughter is something special. I always get the question if Su Jin and I will have more children. That question is usually followed up with the question if I wish I could have a son. Obviously I don't know what it is to have a son but I'm pretty sure it would be pretty different. I think I would be a buddy/mentor with a son. But as a father of daughters it is so different. I am a father, role model, protector, teacher, leader, parent. I am sure that if some stranger came across this site and read this they may perceive me to be sexist. I am not saying that my daughters are weak or "needy". My daughters are just my daughters. You are (excuse me for my directness) nothing in comparison to me, as their father. I am DAD and you are NOT! So remember that when you enter into a relationship with my daughters. Hahahaha!!
So, I saw PB and CJ playing with our friend Jonathan. And the thought crossed my mind - someday they will find someone. Who could it be? How will I be able to make sure that he's a genuine guy? Will I be able to lead them to choose good men? And, then I settle myself down and pray for a couple more years to prepare for that day. I think it's just around the corner (our girls already share about boys and girls calling each other boyfriend and girlfriend by 1st grade - scary!).
The other day CJ came home saying that a boy asked her for her name. After she told him, he puckered his lips at her. She shared in a shy way but also in a way that she liked the attention. I told her to tell boys who do that to call them stupid or to smack them (literally). Su Jin doesn't like my counsel b/c she thinks that I will get them into trouble. I don't care if our girls get in trouble for that. The boys (and their parents) should be getting in trouble for putting girls (especially my girls) in awkward positions!
So, to answer the question -- No, we are not planning to have any more children.
To answer the 2nd question -- Sure, I would like to have a son but I would be more eager to have more girls!