Oct 2, 2007

Blast from the Past!!

Have you been hit by the Facebook craze yet?! I was getting reconnected with people all over the states through Xanga and Blogs. It was really neat but now there is this new site where you can get reconnected with people through the schools you attended and former jobs and the site will also scan your email contacts to see if friends have registered on Facebook.

The reconnections have been fun. One reconnection has been with a former youth pastor that served in Philly -- Leo Rhee. I lost touch with him over 15 years ago. Since then he has circled the globe (literally). After Philly, he went to MD, CA, to the homeland, S. Korea, and currently in Chicago.
So, part of the fun on Facebook is uploading pictures and "tagging" friends. When you tag a friend (those who are registered to Fbook) a message is sent to them notifying that a picture of them has been shared online.
So, this is a pic that was shared by Pastor Leo of a high school retreat.
Are you in this pic? I tried to blow up the picture so you can actually see people's faces but not sure how to do it. People you might recognize (and those reading my blog) - Becky, June, Chris, Liz, and Jeff.
Join facebook and you can probably see it after you make me your friend.