Here is our rosied cheeked little girl the night after she lost one of her front teeth.
She's growing up! I think I posted a blog about that some time last year. So, every little milestone is reminding me that she is growing up to be a little lady.
All these changes are making harder for this dad to accept that the girls in his life are growing up.
Here's a picture after she got her ears pierced for the first time. Phoebe had gotten her ears pierced at the age of 6. Both of them had made their own decision when they felt that they wanted to get them. I believe Su Jin and I decided that they would be old enough to make that decision around that age. Phoebe knew pretty confidently that she wanted to get them. So, she sat down and got her ears pierced without a tear. Chloe took a little more time to decide if she wanted to get it. I was a little surprised b/c this little girl will look at the needles going into her arms. Even when she had to get her blood drawn into a tube, she was curious and was watching it fill the tube. Chloe reminded me that Phoebe had gotten her ears pierced during Christmas time.
She just wanted to wait until Su Jin came back from Korea. So, after Su Jin came back she was still not sure if she wanted to get it. It took some convincing that it would not hurt that she decided to get them. It was kind of a special moment b/c it happened on a Kim ladies night out. Chloe's aunt (Suj's sister) joined the Chong women and went out for an evening. The special event went without a hitch just like Phoebe's, not even a flinch.
So if that's not enough, just a little over a week she pulls out the other fronth tooth. Chloe doesn't really like going to bed. She'll be in her room but we know that she is getting out of bed. We can hear her foot steps. But on that night she was in bed and playing with her other tooth. She comes into our bedroom (about an hour and a half after we had sent her to bed) and announces that she pulled out her 2nd tooth (still bloody).
I don't know what it is with me these past few days - midlife, nostalgic father, or that I am just outright nuts, but I've been wanting to have more children!! I've shared these thoughts with Suj but she just gives me the "can't you see that I am tired and you must be nuts" look. I think it would be great to have another little girl in our family. Gotta think about it some more.
good to see you back blogging! your girls are soooo cute... and yes, brave! in my opinion, 3 girls are the BEST combo :D
EAR RINGs!!!!!!!
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