So, we took our pictures for our support card. I bought the Canada t-shirts and we took a family portrait. I took some random shots with our daughters.
OK, now it's been almost 5 years since we landed here in California. Look how much they have changed!
Oh hum... time to take it all in and accept that my girls are growing up.
Lord, help me.
You have such cutie-pie girls. Chloe had the same hair that my G has now. I wonder how long it took Chloe to grow out her bangs...
aw, love the pic updates. the girls have grown so much and are so very pretty. :)
you have beautiful daughters. you and your family are in my prayers as you plan your move to canada.
they have grown! and yes, i echo everyone's thoughts. they are gorgeous girls. we hope all is going well with the move and church plant. it's an exciting time.
The curse of Sara Rim is scarier than we thought. It wasn't just that you'd have all daughters, it's also that you'd have to be scared for them growing up.
That being said, I hope I have a daughter as cute as your girls someday (but just one).
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