OK, it's Chloe's turn to start loosing her teeth. I think she's losing them faster than Pb b/c as soon as this tooth was loose she was wiggling that tooth every chance she had. She lost it today after school when she was jumping rope. Her day care teacher put it in a nice little container. But, as soon as we got home she was playing with it and it rolled into the cushions of one of our chairs. The problem is that it's the kind of chair that doesn't have removeable cushions. I tried as hard as I could to find it. CJ tried to be as brave as she could but it was too much to bear. She started balling! I tried to look for it some more but it was in the chair for good. She was looking forward to putting it under her pillow.
I'll still put the quarter under her pillow tonight... or was it a dollar?
oh how sad... at least she got a quarter right?
oh, poor thing. make it a dolla for all that heartache!
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