Sep 18, 2006

It's a small world...

OK, now it's really a small world. Guess who came by for a visit?!...not only to visit but to live here just a few towns away. The picture is of my friend's daughter.


1) He is originally from NY.
2) He served at KUC (my home church)
3) He most recently served at a church in San Fransisco.

Any guesses? Posted by Picasa


RBK said...

i'd say someone with the initials, IK, but i didn't think/know he had a daughter- so i'm not sure...

yellowinter said...

so cute~ i figured it out after the 3rd clue. :)

jwk said...

i didn't know he had a lil' girl too. i heard he was somewhere in SoCal. he used to be at my church here in SF and was bummed to hear he left just before we got here.